
Saturday 14 November 2009

Bat war continues and Nationals Hartsuyker and Cansdell are in the first round of 'enemy' casualties

Bat fall-out

WELL done Steve Cansdell and Luke Hartsuyker. Just the week after all the relevant stakeholders held possibly the first ever truly positive meeting about the Maclean flying fox colony, you help whip up a frenzy and involve schoolchildren in an illegal disturbance of the animals, many carrying recently born young, using a starter pistol and general loud noise.
One tentative step forward had finally been made in this ongoing saga, with all parties agreeing to form a proper long-term management plan, and you go in there and destroy that whole democratic process and regress the whole community.
And all for your own political gain. You are shaming the community and standing in the way of progress. Don't you get it? Disturbance does not work and never has as a long, or even short, term solution, and is currently illegal in Maclean.


[The Daily Examiner, letter to the editor, 14 November 2009]

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