
Tuesday 17 November 2009

Rees and NSW Labor Party pledge to forego political contributions from developers, but will the Opposition agree?

The Daily Telegraph on 15th November 2009:
"Developers are the biggest donors to NSW political parties, feeding suspicions that public policy-making could be bought. In the lead-up to the 2007 election, developers donated $8.2 million to the ALP and $4.4 million to the Liberal Party.
Mr Rees said it was time to end the perception that politicians were hostage to developers' interests.
"From today, the NSW Labor Party will ban donations from developers,'' he said.
"It will cover all members of NSW Parliament, all local councillors and all party units and organisations.
"Delegates, the reason for all these measures is simple _ it's time for a fresh start.
"One way or another, the next State election will be conducted under a public funding model.
"The era of big donations is over.''

But will the Libs, Nats and right-wing minor parties block this move in the NSW Parliament?
Will they keep their options open to yell "Corruption!" during the election campaign?

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