
Friday 11 December 2009

You know it's December 2009 when......

Clarence Valley thunderstorm on 8 December
from The Daily Examiner 10 December 2009

.......the days are getting too close to 40C for comfort, an acrid smell of bushfire is on the back of each wind, afternoons are regularly troubled by thunderstorms, you start the evening by kicking a large cane toad out of the cat's water bowl in the kitchen and follow that up at 2am in the morning by evicting its mate from the bedroom - then stumbling into the garden at 6am the next day to see how the vegies are surviving you find yourself doing a quick skip to avoid a young brown snake playing summer refugee in the backyard.
I'm almost looking forward to winter next year except heavy rains and flooding bring their own unique problems in the Northern Rivers.

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