
Tuesday 5 January 2010

Neal gets called a nosey parker :-)

Someone finally wrote a letter to The Daily Examiner on 1 January 2009 voicing what quite a few have been quietly thinking about this photo snapping little man:

Parking rights

NEAL MORRIS, of Maclean Neighbourhood Watch, seems to think that he is a ranger, parking inspector or a police officer. (Neighbourhood Watch Column, Coastal Views 18/12/09).
Parking in Maclean or anywhere in the Valley has absolutely nothing to do with him.
Absolutely none of his business.
Whilst we all agree that many people are breaking the law re parking, it is not up to him to scrutinise it.
It is the job of the expert authorities such as police or council employees.
I think maybe your unpaid voluntary neighbourhood 'watching' has gone to your head, Neal.
Leave the job of parking patrol to those who are legally authorised and paid to do so.

S Aloi,


Neal goes feral in his letter to editor in response on 6 January 2010.........

Crime watch is for all

I HAVE received a copy of a letter (DE 1/1/2010) from an inane scribbler under the possible pseudonym of 'S Aloi' welcoming the New Year.
It is quite normal for the guilty conscience to appeal against the law, if this appears to be the case and it is to remain anon, please send a photo of.the vehicle concerned so we can relate to the offence and recognise the individual with whom we deal.
For your information, the reason all crime exists in your area is simply because of this attitude shown in the letter which clearly states that it is only the responsibility of the police and or council.
This is so far from the truth it's unbelievable, as it is a normal requirement that all residents should watch out for any unsociable or criminal acts for their own and their neighbour's welfare and have the intestinal fortitude to act immediately.
The police are far too undermanned and the rangers due to workload are unable to watch for such things as the writer apparently commits, and as a consequence if we are unable by our actions to get a staff increase to cover all aspects which is our aim. Then we are all in trouble.
To the decent persons in Grafton and Maclean who advised me of this tirade, many thanks for your help.
For future reference please note. Maclean District Neighbourhood Watch will continue to assist all in need against any unsociable acts and all information gleaned from the public and or our actions will be forwarded to the authorities for their dealing.

Neal Morris JP, area controller, crime prevention network

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