
Saturday 13 February 2010

Barnaby gets a conspiracy theory all of his very own

After deciding that climate change was a giant global conspiracy, that governments across Australia were against the humble farmer and the Rudd Government determined to bring down Armageddon on our heads, Opposition Finance Spokesperson Senator Barnaby Joyce was finally given a dastardly plot all of his very own.

"Tony told me there was a campaign directed against me and it didn't matter if I got 99 per cent of what I said right: everyone would latch on to the 1 per cent that was wrong," Senator Joyce told The Australian.

What more could an Opposition Leader do for his faithful National Party sidekick?

Marieke Hardy over at ABC's The Drum sums him up well (with tongue firmly lodged in cheek):

Barnaby Joyce is wonderful and juicy and mental, he really is. If he's not pulling magical figures from the number-sky, ("Let's call it $1,400 million! No wait, $1,400 gajillion-zillion! Let's stop throwing money to the hungry brown people and just build a giant donut named Bettina we can all turn to in times of crisis!") he's shrieking about climate change and leading some frankly startling campaigns against women who dare purchase smaller than a B-cup.

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