
Monday 22 March 2010

Show me the policy, Mr. Abbott!

It would appear that during the faux federal election campaign Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is not taking the forthcoming Leaders' Debate seriously and expects to use it to mount a series of questions rather than give any genuine outline of the health policy the Coalition intends to take into the formal campaign.

This attittude is not always playing well in the regions if the following emailed letter is any indication:

Hon. Tony Abbott MHR
Leader of the Opposition
Parliament House
Canberra ACT

22 March 2010

Dear Sir,

I have read with interest your reported comments on the forthcoming "Leaders' Debate" this week which is intended to address the subject of health care.

I am concerned that these comments appear to indicate that you have no intention of broadly outlining the Coalition health policy you intend to take to the Australian electorate later this year.

As an ordinary voter I would appreciate less politicking and more respect for the general public, who deserve the longest possible time to compare competing policies before going to the polling booths.

Quite frankly even the most pyrotechnic of debating styles will fail to impress my household if all it turns out to be is flash and no substance.


[Name and address redacted]

1 comment:

  1. The Mad Abbott's health "policy" in two parts:

    1) Rip another billion dollars out of the public health and hospital system.

    2} If you haven't got the money for a private specialist and private hospital, you'd better start saying your prayers.


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