
Tuesday 27 April 2010

Concrete matters in the Clarence Valley

Questions many in the Clarence Valley and elsewhere on the NSW North Coast ask themselves as unsteady legs or failing eyesight make negotiating those sloped grass strips, laughingly called footpaths, more of an obstacle course than an easy stroll:

Walking in Grafton can be dangerous

I WAS recently visiting a family member in Riverdale Court, Grafton, when I could not believe my eyes?

In this completely brand new homes-built area, I had to wait to park my car. Why?

Because there was an elderly lady walking herself (and her dog) with the use of her 'walking frame' for assistance, that's right, a walker come chair on wheels, on the road because some idiot forgot to include footpaths in this new development area.

Is this now common practice for the new-age CVC (Clarence Valley Council) members?

The grassed 'home fronts' are not 'walker' friendly, and how long will it be before someone sues the CVC for such a bungling oversight?

In this 'new century', the CVC has neglected to include 'pavements' for pedestrians on which to walk.

One can understand older parts of Grafton that do not have 'pavements' for pedestrians, but brand new subdivisions without pavements, it's very hard to believe in 'today's day and age'.

What exactly are those in the CVC responsible for when it comes to OH&S with regards the safety of pedestrians, and why does the CVC spend ever-increasing income from rates on 'superficial' gardens and street gardens that are 'not essential' to the care and well-being of Grafton citizens/folk?

JOSEPH GOLDEN, Summerland Way

[Letter to the Editor, The Daily Examiner, 20 April 2010]

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