
Tuesday 20 April 2010

Fight! Fight!

Stupid Fight has turned up on my digital radar:
What's this all about?
FACT: A lot of people on Twitter are stupid. Many of these people follow celebrities and try to send them messages. But which celebrity's fans are most stupid? It's time to find out.

As can be seen, this software places followers of right-wing journo Andrew Bolt and Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in the thick as short planks category. Well - surprise, surprise.


  1. Oops.

    The Andrew Bolt twitter feeds are obvious fakes. You've just made a fool of yourself.

    By the way, it is gumnuts like you and your campaign against bringing a reasonably priced family restaurant to Yamba who are responsible for the tragically high youth unemployment on the Far North Coast.

  2. Er....only Bolt's tweets are fakes not all those of the followers who've been duped into tweeting back and the stupidity meter is run on the followers not pseudo-Bolt.
    As for me all on my lonesome being responsible for North Coast unemployment - I'm not that powerful. ;-)
    Besides which I don't think I've metioned Maccas as much as other NCV contributors.

  3. You claim that Bolt's followers have been duped into tweeting back.

    Prove it.

    If you really want to know what his readers think then you could actually go and visit his blog where actual comments are posted from actual people in response to actual things that Bolt actually writes.

    And yes, youth unemployment would be a lot lower if it wasn't for the anti-progress NIMBY attitude that is rife on the North Coast.

    But what are unemployed teens compared to the smug sense of self satisfication that comes from knowing that there are no Maccas in Yamba or Woollies in Mullumbimby.

  4. Ah, Anonymous again....
    What one earth makes you think that I've never read Bolt's journalistic thought bubbles or comments left by his readers?
    I can remember a post or two last year in which I quoted him.
    As for proof that some have been fooled by the fake Twitter sites - try this from Crikey comments in2009:
    "Since I joined Twitter-two days ago. I discovered yet another and, if possible, the worst side of his nature. He’s what I’ve always called a ‘feel and squeal’ merchant. The minute he speaks to anyone the moment is blasted out on quadraphonic sound throughout the blogosphere . Always with a snidely suggestive verbal leer. As if he’d found you in his bed.
    This morning he solemnly posted the following Einsteinian pronouncement. ‘A few months ago I stopped wearing pants’....
    Big freakin’ deal. But he’s impelled to inform the world about it. Why?"
    My favourite tongue-in-cheek tweet of the moment comes from a Google search: "All the Andrew Bolt sites are fake? But they seemed so real I mean I didn't know people could pretend to be that stupid."
    BTW I don't have a Twitter account and therefore don't tweet.
    However, I do use Twitter Search to see what's up and running.
    As for the Woolworths' bid to place a store in Mullumbimby - Woolworths has the green light to go ahead.
    Time to update your bitchin'.


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