
Saturday 8 May 2010

I don't care what it costs - my pets are like family

APN online survey results in The Daily Examiner - early morning of 6 May 2010 in response to the question How much do you spend on your pooch each year?

Who said bankers aren't in touch with real life? BankWest is obviously putting a little toe in water with its Social Indicator Series which covers everything from retirement, stay-at-home kids and state of the nation's piggy banks.

It even has a Family Pooch Index, with a national report also differentiated by states:

The latest in Bankwest's on-going Social Indicator Series has revealed that a dog's life certainly isn't cheap anymore, with Australian families spending more than $25,000 on their pet dog over its life-time.

The latest Bankwest Social Indicator Survey, the 'Family Pooch Index', revealed the average Australian family outlays $2,452 per year for the care of their canine, on top of their initial purchase of the pup of $585. Over the average life span of a dog, ten years, this equates to more than $25,000.

Not surprisingly, pet food and other gourmet doggy treats gobble up the bulk of the annual cost - $1200. This was followed by veterinary costs, at $450 per year, and additional dog care, such as grooming, dog walking, dog dietician and a dog trainer at $405 each per year.

The research also revealed what many of us have suspected for a long time, namely that half of Aussie pet owners consider their pet to be equally important as their kids. An overwhelming 96 per cent of respondents consider their pet as a member of their family.

Here are some of the findings in the 2010 NSW report Pets NSW:

* The research has revealed that pet owners think the cost of a pet dog is a small price to pay in return for what a dog provides its family. Survey respondents noted their love for dogs, the companionship provided by a 'man's best friend' and the peace of mind and security a pet canine creates as the main reasons for owning a dog.

*.....the average New South Wales family outlays $2,600 per year for the care of their canine, on top of their initial purchase of the pup of $580. Over the average life span of adog, ten years, this equates close to $27,000.

 NSW is the state that spends the most on pets. WA spends the least.
 25 per cent of Aussie dog owners pay a dog groomer to maintain their dogs appearance.
 50 per cent of Aussie dog owners buy their dog gifts for special occasions
e.g. birthday, Christmas etc.
 80 per cent of Aussie dog owners have a dog for companionship
 Over 30 per cent of dog owners have a dog to encourage them to exercise. 5 per cent of people have their pets in their will.
 11 per cent of respondents said they regret having a pet.
 8 per cent of people take their pet with them on holiday.

* Not surprisingly, spend-thrift Generation Y pay out the most when it comes to the upkeep of their pet dog. Interestingly though, over 10% of Gen Ys surveyed said that their parents fork out the cash to cover all these incurred costs.

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