
Sunday 16 May 2010

Next question: Where's Harold Holt?

A couple of correspondents in letters to the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald (Saturday, 15 May) neatly summed up the shocker the Australian Federal Police put in when they contacted Dutch police about the whereabouts of accused war criminal Dragan Vasiljkovic, only to be told the fugitive was still in Australia.

In fact, "Captain Dragan", also known as Daniel Snedden, was wiling away his time at down-town Harwood Island
, a satellite suburb of Yamba, "the best town in Australia", in Big River Country (aka Clarence River territory).

Dutch courage

A suspected Serbian war criminal goes AWOL under the very noses of the Australian Federal Police ('' 'Captain Dragan' tried to make a deal'', May 14). What does it do? It asks the Dutch authorities to check its end. Lo and behold they were able to tell our people not only that he was not holed up somewhere in Holland but supplied the address where he was hiding here. Good to know the AFP is on the ball.

Eddie Raggett Mosman

Is it too late for the Australian Federal Police to ask the Dutch police to find Harold Holt?

Glen op den Brouw Liverpool

Source: SMH letters

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