
Wednesday 16 June 2010

An alternative view of the Rudd Government's home insulation scheme

The Daily Examiner letter to the editor on 14 June 2010:

Insulated from good news

IT may be unpopular.

It is never mentioned.

But ... I had insulation installed under the Federal Government scheme.

Two efficient workers did a great job and the results are absolutely fabulous.

It's cooler in summer and now that winter is here our heating is much more efficient.

Less energy is used to heat and cool the house, not just this year but into the future.

Workers employed during the economic downturn were keeping the wheels of commerce turning.

Best of all, instead of paying them unemployment benefits they were involved in a really productive energy-saving scheme that reduces our need to burn coal to produce energy to heat and cool the house.

But no one wants to hear that.


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