
Friday 18 June 2010

Danger! Dogs do doo


A friend of mine has a holiday house in another town and she told me of her experience with her neighbours, or more precisely her neighbours' dogs.

The house has no front fence so the property is delineated by a white pebble boarder which the neighbours' dogs have been using as toilet facilities.


Since she doesn't visit that often there is a build up of dog dumps which she has to deal with when she arrives.

Because one dog is quite large and the other is small there is no trouble identifying which present came from which dog.


She was busy sorting the sh*t and piling the offending articles into neat heaps in the corner of the neighbours' yards so they could depose of the material when she was confronted by one of the neighbours who started to protest about the boomeranging doggy doo doo.

I think they must have seen the murderous look in her steely eyes and decided that she did have a good point and it would be the right thing to assist her in removing the evidence of months of night time dog visits.


This was not the thing that fascinated me - that happened when she told me about the light attached to one of the dogs collar so when it did its night time visit it could see where it was going.

Obviously the owner did not want the dog to be confused and do its business in its own yard, after all why go to the trouble of opening the gate if Fido never made it out.


This started me thinking of other aids that could be used so the owner could tell if the mission was accomplished.

I thought of a small device that could be attached to a dog's hips, so that when the dog squatted to do the deed it would sound a warning. The beeping noise you hear when dump truck's reverse I think would be appropriate.


Then I thought of a aid for a caring neighbour to warn the unwary of their dogs dropping. It came straight out of an old sci-fi TV show, Lost in Space. There was a robot in the show that at the sign of trouble use to shout "danger Will Roberson danger".

Wouldn't it be great if a small vibration sensitive disk could be dropped from the dogs collar after it finished it nightly visit. So the next morning when you walked out to pick up the morning paper if you stepped to close the pile the warning would sound; " Danger {insert neighbours name} danger".

I am sure someone could convert the little speakers you find in birthday cards.

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