
Saturday 12 June 2010

名誉のない国: Japan launches whaling fleet for summer slaughter in Pacific

名誉のない国 - A nation without honour intends to kill gentle mammals such as this sperm whale pictured above. Why? Not because it's people are starving and in need of food, but simply because it can.

The Global Times 10th June 2010:

"Japan launched a summer whaling mission Wednesday, with the target of killing 260 of the giant sea mammals in the Northwest Pacific, despite legal action by Australia. Three harpoon and two research ships set sail from three separate ports in Japan with more than 200 crew to hunt whales in the Pacific Ocean, said the Institute of Cetacean Research, which is sending the state-backed whaling fleet. Due to obstructions by the US-based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Japan said that its catch was down to 507 whales in the 2009-2010 expedition in the southern waters, below a target of about 850. In the latest whaling trip, the fleet led by the Nisshin Maru mother ship plans to catch 100 minke whales, 100 sei whales, 50 Bryde's whales and 10 sperm whales. The expedition comes after Australia launched legal action with the International Court of Justice in an effort to stop Japan from killing whales in the name of science."

Pic found at Google Images

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