
Thursday 17 June 2010

Just what does the Coalition believe about the postponed emissions trading scheme?

For the last six weeks or so the Coalition Opposition has been trumpeting what it calls Kevin Rudd's failure to implement a national emissions trading scheme in Australia:
"TONY Abbott portrayed Kevin Rudd as a leader who lacks the "guts" to fight for his political convictions today after the Prime Minister shelved the emissions trading scheme. Climate Change Minister Penny Wong today blamed political realities for Mr Rudd's decision to delay the scheme until the end of 2012, citing opposition in the Senate and slow global progress on climate action. Ms Wong also said today that Mr Rudd would not go to a double dissolution election on an ETS because he wanted to serve a full term."
The Opposition spin taken up by the media has been that Rudders has sqibbed it entirely and an ETS is off the books completely, but somebody hasn't told that to the NSW Nats who still believe the scheme is roughly on schedule.
Here's NSW North Coast Nats MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell still trying to scare the locals in his latest letterbox drop:

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