
Saturday 24 July 2010

150 wankers will save Oz? G'arn!

"And so today I announce that if we are re-elected, I will develop a dedicated process – a Citizens' Assembly – to examine over 12 months the evidence on climate change, the case for action and the possible consequences of introducing a market-based approach to limiting and reducing carbon emissions." {'Moving foward together on climate change' speech on 23rd July 2010}
That rumbling sound followed by a slight tilt to the floor which you experienced after Prime Minister Gillard finished her climate change policy speech was caused by thousands of Aussies running towards The Green's camp.
Insulting the intelligence of the average voter can't have been intentional surely? Telling us all that 150 hand-picked wankers are worth more than we are - after the majority of us voted for climate change action in 2007 and have doggedly held on ever since despite denialist propaganda flooding the mainstream media and blogosphere.
Waaay to go Juuuulia!


  1. Yep; as I read the speech I thought "This is a joke, surely ... some kind of elaborate hack job by The Chaser crew or similar". Even staunch Gillard supporters seem to be having trouble defending it, falling back on ridiculous 'citizen democracy' arguments.

  2. its shite but at least the chosen ones might decide for the country and the people unlike parliament which only works for the party donors/bribers


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