
Tuesday 20 July 2010

2010 Election Campaign Day 4 - First LOLs of the Season

Opposition Leader and black ops meister Tony Abbott:
"I expect this to be a filthy campaign from the Labor Party but as far as I'm concerned it will be hard, but it will be fair and it will be clean."

The Nats Barnaby Joyce gives an undertaking about Prime Minister Gillard:
"I'm not going to go chasing her around the bedroom....."

A case of he said 'n' she said on the Lib campaign trail......
"In an odd twist, the two men accused of assault rang the police to complain about being assaulted. Ms Wood, her staff, and on-lookers also called police, who have interviewed the parties but not laid charges."

On Labor campaign slogans......
kateosborn7news‎: Someone should tell Julia Gillard Australia is already moving forward. Continental drift means it moves 6cm north each year. Twitter

AWU National Secretary Paul Howes has an opinion:
Unfortunately for Brown and likeminded environmentalists, such as NSW MP Ian Cohen, his party is being infiltrated by many whose commitment to the environment is questionable, and who are more focused on turning the Greens into a left-wing, socialist-style party. Some people call these Greens "watermelons" - green on the outside, red on the inside.

One voter's take on the subject......
rod3000 Geez, those lucky ice addicts...only five sleeps until the election #ausvotes via Twitter for iPhone

And a protester dons budgie smugglers

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