
Monday 5 July 2010

Northern Rivers resident gets the last laugh on local tip charges

According to one NSW North Coast mayor:
"The State Government’s waste and environment levy is $20.40 a tonne to dump rubbish at the tip – charged on top of the council’s fees.
This amount is set to rise each financial year for the next five years until it reaches a capped price of $70 a tonne.......additional costs could not be absorbed into the current council budget, so they would have to be added to the waste levy in rates."

According to one NSW North Coast resident:
"After finding out what I had to pay to take my home e-waste and other items to the nearest council operated tip, I sent all of it over the border instead with a Queenslander returning home. Cost? It's free at that particular tip destination, so it was nothing, nil, nada, zero, zilch."
He also says he has no intention of voting for the Keneally Government because of the way it continues to milk regional New South Wales.

Pic at Google Images

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