
Friday 13 August 2010

2010 Election Campaign Day 28 - Abbott puts government savings ahead of jobs

ABC TV "7.30 Report" 10th August 2010:

KERRY O'BRIEN: But you're talking about the big bang spending sprees; the big bang spending spree would have been $20 billion more than your big bang spending spree that Joe Hockey has already acknowledge a Coalition government would have spent. And in fact, if you're fair you would acknowledged that before the global crisis came along, the Rudd Government also delivered a budget that was more than $20 billion in surplus.

TONY ABBOTT: Which they did not deliver a budget. They did not deliver a budget outcome. Sure they told us ...

KERRY O'BRIEN: Because the Global Financial Crisis came along.

TONY ABBOTT: And they started spending like drunken sailors.

KERRY O'BRIEN: As you would have done.

TONY ABBOTT: And the point I make, Kerry, is that $20 billion is a very, very significant outcome.

KERRY O'BRIEN: But when you talk ...

TONY ABBOTT: And getting $20 billion off the bottom line is surely worth doing.

KERRY O'BRIEN: But when you talk about the massive amount of money overall that this country would have been in deficit - or the Government would have been in deficit - $110 billion in revenue that would have happened to you if you'd been in government, plus the $25 to $30 billion that you would have committed to a stimulus program - I mean, is that spending like a drunken - is $25 to $30 billion not spending like a drunken sailor, but $50 billion is

TONY ABBOTT: Well $25 billion! That's quite a lotta money, Kerry!

KERRY O'BRIEN: But at what point do you become a drunken sailor, is what I'm asking?

TONY ABBOTT: What I'm saying is you don't waste money, and this mob wasted ...

KERRY O'BRIEN: 200,000 unemployed.

TONY ABBOTT: ... - they wasted money. It's never right to waste money, and one of the extraordinary things is a prime minister who says a bit of waste is neither here nor there. It is always important to treat the taxpayer dollar with respect.

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