
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Fowl business on the campaign trail

On the weekend I cleaned out the chook pen and as usual I lined the nesting boxes with all our old newspapers.

The hens were unusually quiet for two days afterwards, but this morning they were in fine form with loud cackling, squawking and general hubbub.

The chooks it seems had developed a new conspiracy theory. If you don’t have hens you might not know that all fowls are major players in developing most conspiracy theories since they nearly always think the sky is falling.

They were all talking at once and at high volume so I could only make out some parts of the general conversation.

The bit about Tony Abbot being the main people smuggler in Australia did confuse me until I collected the eggs and there in plain sight was a photo of Tony in his budgie smugglers. The hens had misread the paper, but then again budgies are just another race of bird people to the hens so perhaps they were not all that wrong.

There was a lot of confusing talk about chicks overboard, core and non-core promises, Malcolm Turnbull’s emails (the hens had always liked Malcolm - they thought he was a fine cock), Cabinet leaks, no GST and latest polling figures.

I couldn’t make head nor tail of it, so I went off to find Arnold the calf since he had been spending a lot of time grazing around the chook pen and he may have been able to sort the chooks latest theory out.

I found him under a tree chewing cud and he told me that the general thrust of the hens' argument was this; there is a history of the Liberal Party not telling the whole truth to the electorate.

The comments about chicks overboard, core and non-core promises and no GST suddenly made sense.

The feathered theory continued.....

Malcolm Turnbull was brought undone by a false email leaked to him by a civil servant. Who benefited out of that? Tony Abbott since he got to become the Leader of the Opposition.
When the national security committee started leaking the chooks asked themselves; who attends these meetings? The answer was government ministers and civil servants. Who is benefiting from these leaks? Why, Tony Abbott. Or so the polling figures are indicating.

Therefore the chooks reasoned; if a strategy works you are more likely to try it again. So their clucklusion is that Tony Abbott is somehow getting civil servants to leak information to damage the government during the election campaign.

They have already condemned Tony for Malcolm’s downfall and now they don’t like the thought of him as PM - not enough room in his policy package for smuggled budgies perhaps?

Picture from The Ark In Space Image Credit Flickr User Skittzitilby

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