
Tuesday 3 August 2010

Intoduction to Journalism 101 or What not to do as a regional journalist

There are over 100 million Facebook accounts around the world and anyone who has an account can in theory read everyone of these pages.
These particular Facebook snapshots was passed on to me with the comment that it was not a good look for any jounalist working on a regional paper with a circulation of less than 9,000 covering a population of around 150,000.
In fact - not a good look when working in any relatively small community where you may already have a higher profile than the fella next door because you work in teh meeja.
On checking I tend to agree.
Going onto a pollie's Facebook page and publically mocking the Federal Treasurer, sniggering about the NSW Premier, bagging local Labor or egging on a candidate is definitely not a good look if you want to be seen as an even-handed journalist.
The journo in question is Josh McMahon and the Facebook sites belong to the NSW North Coast's Federal Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin, NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell and Nationals federal candidate for Page at the 21st August election, Kevin Hogan.

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