
Thursday 2 September 2010

Australian Labor Party redeems itself in historic agreement with The Greens in Federal Parliament [Transcript]

The Australian Labor Party entered into an historic agreement with The Greens on 1 September 2010.

This agreement comes into effect when federal government is formed after the results of the 21 August 2010 general election are declared.

It resets the national agenda in relation to climate change, constitutional recognition of Australia's first peoples, situating local government within the constitution, parliamentary reform and political donations among other matters.

As the goodwill this agreement represents does not appear entirely dependent on Labor forming a minority government, it also potentially creates a formidable force the Coalition and Tony Abbott may have to deal with as a political reality for the next three years at least.

Full transcript here.

1 comment:

  1. This would realise the worst fears of the conservatives. Expect talk of communism. Unfortunately the conservatives in the Coalition still control the senate -any Labor+Green government will be rendered impotent until July, plenty of time for the dancing bears to stick the knife in.


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