
Wednesday 13 October 2010

Marohasy confirms she's a AGW denier and tries to stack Q&A with rehearsed audience

This I just gotta quote in full from Jennifer Marohasy's blog on the 12th October.............

"I should probably be flattered to be invited on to the popular ABC TV program Q&A as a panelist. But why is the promo for the program next Monday advertising Tim Flannery as 'scientist' and me as 'climate sceptic'?

Tony Jones could refer to us both as 'scientists'. Alternatively the promo could suggest Tim is an 'alarmist' and me the 'denier'.

I am not even a climate sceptic… but rather sceptical of what was the consensus position on anthropogenic global warming.

Anyway, it would be good if there were a few other so-called climate change sceptics at the event… and also some people who don't believe more water for South Australia will necessarily solve all the environmental problems of the Murray Darling Basin. So, I am encouraging readers of this blog to try for a place in the studio audience next Monday by applying here:
And you can send in questions via email using this link

Also, the annual Australian Environment Foundation Conference is this Saturday at Rydges in Brisbane. Max Rheese is organising a Q&A session at the Conference dinner on Saturday night, to give me some practice in advance of Monday, October 18th. Apparently there will be a 'Tony Jones' at the dinner and through him you can ask me questions. It should be a lot of fun. You can register here: "

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if Our ABC refrained from aping the commercial channels for once, and put together a panel of people whose opinions hadn't already been published about a thousand times? Getting professional pundits like Flannery and Marohasy just ensures the event will be a waste of time for anyone who is seriously interested in understanding AGW and the associated issues better. How about getting some scientists who can enlighten us, instead of show ponies who will only repeat a very tired old stage show?

    But I suppose if they troubled to get acknowledged scholars in the field they might find an absence of the theatrical posturing they obviously want. Indeed they might find the scientists were all in sober agreement about the nature of the threats we face, and of course consensus about AGW is the last thing the urgers in the MSM want. "Fight, fight, look over here we're staging a fight!!" sums up contemporary 'current affairs' broadcasting.


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