
Sunday 31 October 2010

Not a good look for the unpopular K-K-Keneally

The Daily Tele does graphs on 28 October 2010
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Kristina just can't win. First an opinion poll which had her publicly eating crow with only a small side dish of spin:
"[It] confirms to me what I already knew - I have a tough job,'' the Premier said in response to a poll which found her government is now the most unpopular Labor administration in polling history, with a primary vote of just 23 per cent."
Then getting caught taking advantage of a solar scheme she would soon effectively wreck for we lesser mortals:
"NSW Premier Kristina Keneally purchased a $3000 solar system for her home five days after her government flagged moves to slash the tariff.
Documents obtained by The Weekend Australian yesterday show Ms Keneally ordered a solar system for her Sydney home on August 29 despite serious concern among bureaucrats and industry experts that public funds were being drained at an alarming rate by the Solar Bonus Scheme.
On August 24, after a series of internal warnings that the scheme -- one of the world's most generous -- was unsustainable because of its burden on the public purse, NSW Energy Minister Paul Lynch announced a review.
The review led to Ms Keneally and Mr Lynch announcing on Wednesday that the scheme's generous provisions would end with the cutting of the bonus for owners of solar systems from 60 cents to 20c per kilowatt hour.
Ms Keneally described the changes as necessary to slow down the scheme and "stop any further impact on electricity prices", while Mr Lynch said the changes were "specifically designed to avoid the bust".
Ms Keneally's decision to sign up for the solar system in late August, eight months after it started, placed her in line to receive the higher taxpayer-funded rate."
So why might this NSW premier drop from an likeability rating of 73% and preferred premier figure at 42% to a preferred premier rating of 35% less than twelve months later?
Is it just those tired, unimaginative policies and the woeful calibre of her ministry or is it perhaps the fact that a cold-blooded arrogance surfaces at all the wrong moments?

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