
Monday 18 October 2010

What is in Armidale's drinking water?

Authorities must undertake an immediate audit of Armidale city's water supply. I'm not referring to its quantity, but rather its quality.

An Armidale resident has a letter to the editor in today's Daily Examiner that provides abundant evidence that a brain-destroying contaminant is in the drinking water in at least one Armidale home.
Click on letter to enlarge. 

Here's The Daily Examiner editor's response:
One of Stephen Heaney's strongest claims is that the fishing industry would benefit if fresh water was prevented from entering the river by being diverted elsewhere. That would be news to the fishing industry. For years the industry has fought tooth and nail to prevent diversion, recognising that natural river flows are essential to the health and therefore the viability of the fishing industry. It recognises that floods and freshes can cause disruption but, like farmers, understand their value to the productive capacity of the valley.

Also from the editor: 

We must fight any proposals to divert the Clarence.

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