
Thursday 4 November 2010

Another attempt to define protections for Australian mental health service consumers

National standards for mental health services 2010
National standards for mental health services 2010 (PDF 699 KB large file)

"This document outlines a set of mental health service standards which can be applied to all mental health services, including government, non-government and private sectors across Australia."

Standard 6.


Consumers have the right to comprehensive and integrated mental health care that meets their individual needs and achieves the best possible outcome in terms of their recovery.
(Note: The consumer standard is not assessable, as it contains criteria that are all assessable within the other standards.)


6.1 Consumers have the right to be treated with respect and dignity at all times.

6.2 Consumers have the right to receive service free from abuse, exploitation, discrimination, coercion, harassment and neglect.

6.3 Consumers have the right to receive a written statement, together with a verbal explanation, of their rights and responsibilities in a way that is understandable to them as soon as possible after entering the MHS.

6.4 Consumers are continually educated about their rights and responsibilities.

6.5 Consumers have the right to receive the least restrictive treatment appropriate, considering the consumer’s preference, the demands on carers, and the availability of support and safety of those involved.

6.6 A mental health professional responsible for coordinating clinical care is identified and made known to consumers.

6.7 Consumers are partners in the management of all aspects of their treatment, care and recovery planning.

6.8 Informed consent is actively sought from consumers prior to any service or intervention provided or any changes in care delivery are planned, where it is established that the consumer has capacity to give informed consent.

6.9 Consumers are provided with current and accurate information on the care being delivered.

6.10 Consumers have the right to choose from the available range of treatment and support programs appropriate to their needs.

6.11 The right of consumers to involve or not to involve carers and others is recognised and respected by the MHS.

6.12 Consumers have an individual exit plan with information on how to re-enter the service if needed.

6.13 Consumers are actively involved in follow-up arrangements to maintain continuity of care.

6.14 The right of consumers to have access to their own health records is recognised in accordance with relevant Commonwealth and state / territory legislation / guidelines.

6.15 Information about consumers can be accessed by authorised persons only.

6.16 The right of the consumer to have visitors and maintain close relationships with family and friends is recognised and respected by the MHS.

6.17 Consumers are engaged in development, planning, delivery and evaluation of the MHS.

6.18 Training and support is provided for consumers involved in a formal advocacy and / or support role within the MHS.

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