
Friday 12 November 2010

Murray Darling Basin Plan brings the loons down from the hills

I can almost feel sorry for those small irrigation cockies who face the prospect of having the national water nipple plucked from their gaping mouths and really try to tolerate their irrational rants against the coming Murray Darling Basin Plan.
However, if ever I needed proof that conspiracy theories aren't just the province of the American far-right then this media release from the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia provides ample proof.
Read and enjoy this particular absurdity:

Media Release 9th of November 2010
Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary
PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166

Isherwood: Murray-Darling is another British imperial land-clearance; i.e. genocide

In an emergency address to the nation, Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood charged that the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Basin Plan to shut down Australia’s food bowl was part of the British Empire’s drive to slash the world’s population down to only two billion or fewer people from its present almost 7 billion, using a characteristic tool of British imperialism—“land clearances”, which the British historically deployed to genocidal effect against Ireland, Scotland and more recently sub-Saharan Africa.

Click here to view Craig’s national address, delivered in Brisbane on 6th November.

Craig exposed that the British Crown, through Prince Philip’s World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), established in 1961 to reduce global population under the cover of “saving Nature”, has directed every aspect of the process that has culminated in the MDBA Plan:

  • The John Howard-led Coalition government passed the Water Act 2007 not for any ostensible domestic reason, but in slavish fealty to the diktats of the 1971 Ramsar International Convention on Wetlands, which was written by the WWF, in particular by longtime Ramsar chief, Dr Luc Hoffmann, who has been a director of Prince Philip’s World Wildlife Fund since 1963; to this day, the WWF is the major Partner Organisation of Ramsar.
  • Prince Philip personally founded the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) in 1963 as an arm of his WWF, and it is the ACF, together with the WWF-founded and bankrolled Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists [sic], that have spearheaded the years of lobbying and PR to shut down the basin’s agriculture, in accordance with the Prince’s expressed creed, “You cannot keep a bigger flock of sheep than you are capable of feeding. In other words conservation may involve culling in order to keep a balance between the relative numbers in each species within any particular habitat. I realise this is a very touchy subject, but the fact remains that mankind is part of the living world. … Every new acre brought into cultivation means another acre denied to wild species.” [emphasis added]
  • Given the intense opposition to shutting down Australia’s food bowl, Prince Philip has sent in Ian Sinclair, a longtime member of his Privy Council—the official ruling body of the British Empire—to chair the token consultation meetings, to ram through the WWF/Ramsar policy on “wetlands”.
  • Craig detailed three historical examples of this British imperial policy of “land clearance” now being applied in the Murray-Darling Basin, in which entire peoples are simply forced off the land in pursuit of British imperial goals, foremost of which is “population control”:
  • Ireland, especially in the 17th and 19th Centuries, which the British sought to “replant” with Englishmen of “superior breed”, by confiscating 80 per cent of arable land, extracting almost all the food—except potatoes—as “rent”, and killing millions of Irish in the process.
  • The Scottish Highland land clearances of the 18th and 19th centuries, when hundreds of thousands of Gaelic-speaking Scots were forcibly-evicted from their homes in the Scottish Highlands by English and Scottish aristocrats—the British oligarchy—to either perish, to move to narrow strips of poor land along the coast, or to emigrate to North America, Australia and New Zealand, where to this day live far more descendents of Scottish Highlanders than in Scotland.
  • The post-1961 genocide of sub-Saharan Africa by Prince Philip’s WWF, which financed the sequestering of vast swathes of the African continent as “nature preserves”, for which, in British East and south-central Africa, evictions on a scale far larger than the Highland Clearances were carried out. Entire tribes were forced from their traditional homes, to the point that already by the late 1960s, 20 per cent of the land of many African states which had supposedly been given “independence” by the Crown, had in fact passed under permanent supranational control as “wildlife parks” and “nature preserves”, and the process has greatly expanded since. The WWF was involved in the mass-murder of Africans using ex-British SAS mercenaries, agent-provocateur operations which killed thousands in South Africa, and providing staging points under the cover of nature preserves for attacks on nations, including the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Craig blasted the mentality of Australian victims, who protest against the oppressive and genocidal free trade and/or green policies that destroy their livelihoods, and which are destroying their very nation, but refuse to look at, and thus fight, the British Crown source of those policies, and its imperial system, based on a genocidal hatred of nation-states, and human beings.

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