
Tuesday 9 November 2010

North Coast Voices celebrates its third birthday with a give-away

In October this year the regional group blog North Coast Voices reached the three-year milestone in its daily publication of news and opinion.

To say thankyou to our readers and celebrate this occasion we are giving away two sets of two flora and fauna studies by well-known NSW North Coast photographer Debrah Novak.

These photographic studies are signed and mounted but unframed.

The first reader from outside of Australia who sends an email with the subject line "Birthday" to after 9am GMT/UTC on 10 November 2010 will be sent one set, provided they supply a legitimate return email address required to arrange mailing.

The first reader from within Australia who sends an email with the subject line "Birthday" to after 9am AEST on 10 November 2010 will be sent one set, provided they supply a legitimate return email address to arrange mailing.

Clarencegirl, Clarrie Rivers, WaterDragon, K. Roo and Petering Time

* NCV contributors listed in the blog sidebar and their families are of course ineligible in relation to this birthday offer.

Image from The Impulsive Buy


Congratulations to Michael from Leeds, U.K. and Sharon from Woolongong, NSW.

Your wildlife studies are on there way and we hope that you will enjoy these examples of NSW North Coast flora and fauna.

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