
Thursday 18 November 2010

Orams Returns! (groan)

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For a couple of months I've been receiving the occasional email alerting me to the fact that opinionated jerk journalist Graham 'the natural state for womankind is under the male of the species' Orams is once more gracing the pages of Grafton's The Daily Examiner.

First he dipped his toe back in local waters in letters to the editor columns, then he wrote one or two news and opinion pieces.

I tried to ignore his presence until (audible groan) this sentiment was published under his by-line on 17 November 2010:

Most people don't choose to be gay; although sadly, it has become somewhat trendy for straight women to indulge in lesbian sex, which I'm sure annoys genuine lesbians who fight hard for acceptance.

The Daily Examiner is once more in danger of becoming a newspaper to avoid if one is likely to break out in a rash when reading this sort of nonsense.


At 3.56pm on 22 November 2010 I received an email from the risible Mr. Orams objecting to my use of a particular word in the "Orams Returns! (groan)" post seen above and threatening legal action if I did not remove this legitimate descriptive term found in English language dictionaries.

After I finished laughing uproariously I decided in this particular instance to oblige Mr. Orams, as he stated in the same email that he found being called 'opinionated', 'a jerk', acceptable.

Consequently I have replaced the original word with Mr. Orams' approved terms.

His additional emailed comments on his "dislike of radical feminism", the fact that he is "always extremely well-liked by women wherever I work" and his belief that he "may be many things but a misogynist is not one of them" I leave unaddressed.

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