
Monday 1 November 2010

Westlawn Group thinks you can take it with you?

Advertisement found on on 28 October 2010
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A link to this online advertisement was sent to me recently with the comment;
It’s difficult enough to negotiate this narrow part of Yamba Fair now – it doesn’t need any further hazards.

In its relentless pursuit of profit the Westlawn Group is once more trying to wring more rental dollars from finite floor space.

Not content with reducing the number of parking spaces as part of its Yamba Fair expansion program, now it appears that it intends to convert a relatively narrow concourse (operating at capacity during local peak shopping periods) into something of an obstacle course for the elderly, mothers with prams and those in wheelchairs/mobility scooters as they compete for right of way past this 'kiosk'.

One has to wonder if this relentless profit hunger at the expense of consumers indicates that the Group believes that directors and shareholders can actually take their profits with them when they go to that free-market utopia in the sky.

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