
Sunday 5 December 2010

Alice Springs brings forth a new political party

On 1 December 2010 the Australian Electoral Commission advertised an application for non-parliamentary political party registration by The First Nations Political Party (FNPP).


The goal and objectives of First Nations Political Party (FNPP) are...

- To provide direct relief to all First Nations (Originals) from Poverty, Suffering Destitution, Misfortune, Distress and Helplessness caused
..directly or indirectly or by the involvement with the Laws of the Commonwealth or States of Australia in all matters.

- Address all issues encountered by First Nations (Originals) in Australia subjects to provide a real collective political voice to determine any ..future involvement in any shape or form.

Therefore First Nations Political Party will endeavour to advance its:

- Vision in Redressing the Exclusion, Intrusion, and Displacement, Intervention of our Cultural, Sovereignty and Land.

- Mission to participate in all levels of government to ensure the voice of First Nations Original peoples are represented for the benefit of
..Sovereign ownership, Economic Development, Cultural, Education, Health, Social and Justice for our people.

Then as the inherited host to other visitors and settlers, the First Nations members will pardon injustices of the past, by forming a new national identity that is inclusive of other nations within Australia.

1. The sovereign rights and ownership issue is still as passionate and alive today as it was in 1770 when Cook arrived in Australia.

2. To advocate a representative political voice for the First Nations of the Northern Territory and other States of Australia, and within the Federal Government Political system known as the Westminster system.

3. To represent the First Nations and their descendents the Original Australians in both Federal and State Elections:

1. The Senate

2. The House of Representatives

3. Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory Politics

4. All of Australian States

4. To increase the First Nations political views and aspirations in all areas of;

1. Sovereignty

2. Prior ownership

3. Changing of the Australian Constitution

4. Republic

5. Seventh State of Commonwealth of Australia

6. Law and Justice

7. NT Stolen Generations Reparations/Compensation

8. Climate change

9. Immigration

10. Economics

11. Employment

12. Land; Cultural Issues; Resource; Water; Minerals and leasing

13. Social

14. Welfare

15. Education

16. Human Rights, Cultural Rights, Religious Rights, and Sexuality Rights

17. At an International level - United Nations

18. NT Stolen Generation Issues

19. RDA (Racial Discrimination Act)

20. NT Outstation Policies

Especially empowering, influencing and inspiring First Nations People as the Original inhabitants of Australia.

5. To have a Representative Participate in all Levels of Government to ensure the views and aspirations of First Nations People are involved in State/ Territory, Commonwealth and International Levels of Government.

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