
Friday 17 December 2010

Now which drongo said that? Abbott?

Granny Herald tattled on this week about a November 2009 US diplomatic cable:
"A cable obtained by WikiLeaks and provided exclusively to the Herald says an unnamed "key Liberal Party strategist'' told US diplomats in November last year that the issue of asylum seekers was ''fantastic'' for the Coalition and ''the more boats that come the better''.
Methinks this member of the diplomatic service was being a bit coy in the description of his informant.
Notice how often the current Leader of the Opposition Tony Mad Monk Abbott uses the word "fantastic"?

"Yep, again, I accept that but what we, what we do here has got to be affordable and I might want a really fantastic car, but I’ve got to buy the car that I can afford, not necessarily the car that in a perfect world I would like…

"Oh, okay. Oh fantastic. Oh great. Okay."

"He might be a fantastic author of children's books. The fact is he is my opponent so I am not in the business of looking at his good personal qualities. I am in the business of exposing his poor political qualities."

"Do they now? Fantastic."

"Well that's, that's fantastic and look it's very important for our democracy that we have a good contest and I think it is a good contest but it's now coming down to the wire. This is decision time."

"She’s smiling in response to that and look, Lou Lou, our eldest daughter has been with us for the least couple of days as well and it’s been fantastic to have her on the campaign trail."

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