
Wednesday 1 December 2010

The trouble with K-K-Kristina

Premier Kristina Keneally may have been the worst state planning minister in recent memory, been installed as head patsy during troubled times for the NSW Labor Government in the hope that her gender would add a fillip to a tired and toxic political cocktail, be way too close to unpopular factional warlords, in a my cojones are bigger than your cojones sh*t fight with the unions and all the rest of it.
But the reason K-K-Kristina won't win the fickle heart of the state-wide electorate in March 2011 will probably be due to none of the above.
Because if you apply the local pub test, what she's seen as first and foremost (in spite of that politically expedient citizenship certificate) is as a brassy, pushy Yank.
It may not be all that fair, but the sentiment appears to be heartfelt after a few beers loosen tongues.

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