
Tuesday 11 January 2011

Gillard announces income assistance and Shorten tax assistance for 2011 flood victims

MEDIA RELEASE 10 January 2010:

Income recovery subsidy assistance to help those affected by the floods

The Gillard Labor Government today announced that it will provide additional support for employees, small businesses and farmers who have lost income as a direct result of the floods crisis.

Currently, over 150 Local Government Areas across Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales and South Australia have been declared natural disaster zones as a result of flooding and severe weather conditions since November last year.

The Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy is a fortnightly payment of up to the maximum rate of existing Newstart Allowance for a period of 13 weeks. The subsidy will be available to those who have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the flooding and are not currently receiving, or eligible for, any other income support payment.

The floodwaters and storms have hit people's livelihoods and made it difficult for people to continue their everyday lives - including going to work or operating their small businesses.

With such significant and widespread disruption to businesses and their employees, it is clearly in the national interest to provide support to those who have temporarily lost their income as a direct result of the flooding, as well as maximise the chance that local businesses will be able to retain their labour force for the eventual resumption of normal business.

The Commonwealth Government will support these people who have been unable to work through no fault of their own.

Employees, small businesses and farmers who reside or derive an income from disaster declared areas in these States will be eligible to claim the Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy should they fulfil the criteria.

Centrelink will start processing claims for the Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy immediately and first payments are expected to begin rolling out early next week.

This additional support is the latest in the range of assistance provided by the Australian Government for people affected by floods or severe storms in affected areas.

The Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy is in addition to the Australian Government's ongoing assistance to individuals, state and local Governments in the flood and severe weather affected areas across Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia.

For more information or to claim the Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy, people should contact the Australian Government Emergency Information line on 180 22 66 to register their details.

MEDIA RELEASE 6 January 2011:
Tax Assistance for Flood Assistance

Flood victims in Queensland can get their tax payments deferred and refunds fast-tracked after the Government announced a series of measures to make things a little easier for people dealing with the devastation of the worst floods in recent memory.

Assistant Treasurer, Bill Shorten, said today "The Queensland floods have been devastating for thousands of Queensland families and businesses. As well as the range of support and payments the Commonwealth Government is providing, the Australian Taxation Office is implementing a range of support strategies for those affected by floods."

"Queenslanders who have lost their homes, businesses and livelihoods have bigger concerns than worrying about letters from the tax office, or getting their activity statements in on time."

"Anyone affected by the floods can simply contact the ATO and they will work with you to sort out your tax affairs, or give you enough time to deal with the effects of the floods before you have to worry about tax issues."

The ATO can provide the following services:

•Fast tracking refunds
•Providing people and businesses extra time to pay debts – without interest charges
•Giving extra time to meet activity statement, income tax and other lodgement obligations – without penalties
•Helping to reconstruct tax records where documents have been destroyed, and make reasonable estimates where necessary
•Assisting people if they are experiencing serious hardship.
"Businesses in particular are encouraged to take advantage of the offer of a free record reconstruction service, which can help put together replacement records for those lost in the floods," Mr Shorten said.

To request a free 'record reconstruction visit' register online at Tick only the box for record reconstruction.

"The Gillard Government is determined to provide whatever assistance is necessary to people in need as a result of the Queensland floods crisis. This support by the ATO is one small but very real way we can make things just that little bit easier for people," Mr Shorten said.

The ATO has set up a dedicated emergency support info line – 1800 806 218 – or visit the website at

HOWEVER the ATO is yet to confirm that this tax assistance also extends to victims of the 2011 floods in Northern New South Wales.

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