
Wednesday 9 February 2011

I'm going polled turkey in February 2011

Just in time for the start of the 2011 term of the Australian Federal Parliament, Annabel Crabb (with tongue firmly in cheek) reminded us all of what it means to be a pollaholic.

However, like much that is humorous there is a kernel of truth in how the mainstream media, blogosphere and the general public have brought into that mindless game of political opinion poll percentages which feed the inner-troll found in typical examples of Canberra pond life such as [insert name here of the politician who most annoys you] the Hon.Tony Abbott MHR.

So, not only am I not mentioning any political polling for the remainder of this month, I will also refuse to give oxygen to those companies which produce them by ignoring links to these substitutes for genuine political analysis and debate.

Yes, I am going polled turkey*.

* Hatip to @Colvinius for apparently coining this term.

1 comment:

  1. You'll feel much better for it; I've been clean for years and I speak from personal experience.

    Using polls to keep a constant score, as if politics is a basketball game, is one of the most degrading elements of contemporary Australian politics. It encourages politicians to focus on things that will change next month's polls, instead of good governance that will in the long run keep them in office.


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