
Saturday 19 March 2011

Andrew Bolt feels the love......

Tweeters serve The Bolta up a slice of lurve as he becomes well-deserved collateral damage of the recent Pacific earthquake-tsunami:

SalimPickens RT @SydWalker: Why doesn't Andrew Bolt join the 50 heroes who remain at #Fukushima? He could make tea.. #auspol #murdoch #crikey
NYT: 50 workers bravely stay at troubled Japan reactors - World ...

DrewWiddowson RT @geeksrulz: BREAKING: Andrew Bolt to report from inside Fukushima Plant Nr2 to prove how safe it is. Putting his arse on the line for humanity #auspol

SydWalker Be happy! ... Murdoch hack Andrew Bolt puts the world straight re nuclear safety #journchat #auspol #newscorp
More people die of fear of nuclear power than of the power itself ...

ArcingUp More people die reading #AndrewBolt articles than from #nuclear accidents. #japan #LOLBolt

SydWalker @mrumens Will Bolt's arrogant, obviously deceptive reporting on this expose him as a charaltan to dweebs who hang on his every word? #auspol

wildriverstweet: Pro-nuclear proponents have gone intro a media spin frenzy, reaching its zennith with rabid musings of Andrew Bolt #fukushima

rtennantwood: RT @ABCEnvironment: Who would you have on your side? Andrew Bolt or the CSIRO + 1000 other scientists? (watch)

bekfast: @Andy_Bull I'm yet to see Andrew Bolt display anything but poor judgment.

termx: So Andrew Bolt agrees with biologist Barry Brook @BraveNewClimate on safety of nuclear power but not on climate change?

firstdogonmoon Hey Andrew Bolt, tell me this isn't Climate Change!!! RT @TheDailyBunny: Baby bunny naps in palm of hand:

james00000001: RT @marie__ryan: Anyone else hear expert say on ABC that 6000 children got thyroid cancer as result of Chernobyl-yet Andrew Bolt claims only 50 died #tosser

Parsify: @security4all_jp I agree with your main point. Watch out for Andrew Bolt, though, he's a well known troublemaker.

FakeCaro Real Caro looking for excuses. Her tweets will send twitter into meltdown. She is AFL's version of Andrew Bolt

Djourno: Andrew Bolt says the nuclear emergency in Japan isn't as bad as we're all thought to believe....what a moron

kazonis: RT MichaelByrnes: If Andrew Bolt confuses 800 with 8000 on #insiders, and gets a blogger's family history wrong, how can he be trusted on nuclear energy risk?

karamoon: @security4all You're going to loose friends very fast if you link to clowns like "journalist" Andrew Bolt.

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