
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Environmental Roundup March 2011

Old Bar Sand Replenishment Group 12 March 2011:

INDEPENDENT MP for Lyne Robert Oakeshott has urged the Prime Minister to act on recommendations made last October in a seminal report to government about the impact of climate change on coastal communities. The report, titled Managing our coastal zone in a changing climate: the time to act is now, made 47 recommendations related to the need for national policy action on issues including coastal erosion and associated liability issues.

Environmental Defenders Office (NSW) 17 March 2011:

The EDO is acting for the Snowy River Alliance Inc ('SRA') in their challenge to the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation's ('WAMC') review of the Snowy Hydro water licence and a subsequent variation to the licence. The Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997 (NSW) ('Act'), requires the WAMC to conduct a review of the obligations under the licence relating to the "Snowy River Increased Flows" and to exhibit a copy of any state of the environment reports prepared by the Snowy Scientific Committee ("SSC"). On 23 July 2010, the EDO commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW on behalf of the SRA challenging the validity of the review.
The case was heard before Justice Hislop on 14 March 2011. SRA argued that the WAMC's review failed to meet the description of "review" as required by the Act and failed to exhibit any SSC reports prior to the review. If the review is found to be invalid, the variation to the licence may also be invalid. Justice Hislop has reserved his decision.

The Daily Examiner 18 March 2011:

THE Coastal Communities Protection Alliance in Wooli has been given more fuel for its argument to deal with the coastal erosion issues plaguing the community in a way other than Clarence Valley Council’s planned retreat option.
Dr Shaw Mead, director of international consultancy ASR, spent several days at the beachside village assessing the potential for protective measures for the dune system and Wooli Wooli River mouth, which suffered degradation from severe weather events and changes in sand movement during past years.

ABC News online 18 March 2011:

Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has given the Victorian Government until April 8 to get cattle out of the Alpine National Park.
The Ted Baillieu-led government reintroduced cattle grazing into the park in January to test if grazing cuts down the bushfire risk.
But Mr Burke has lashed out at the State Government and says the matter should first have been referred for Federal Government approval.
He says if the State Government does not take the cattle out in time and refer the plan for his approval, the Federal Government will act anyway.
"Every Australian company knows they're not above national law. Victoria decided maybe they were, well they're now in for a shock. They're not above the law and by April 8 the cattle will be out and the matter will be referred," he said.
He described the Victorian Government's responses to his department's requests for information about the trial as "a joke".

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