
Sunday 20 March 2011

Mental Health: tell us something we don't know already

Stone the crows! The Australian Government had to fund a study to find this?
“A latest study shows that a job that provides low control, high demands, complexity and the perception of unfair pay may lead to worse mental health than being unemployed. The study appeared in the journal Occupational Environmental Medicine.”
Well that’s earth shattering old news for working sods across Oz. Now add living in overcrowded dwellings or poorly maintained and high rent housing, being denied adequate public health care or a decent education and we’re getting close to the basic causes of most of life’s enduring ills in the Lucky Country.
It goes without saying that being female, elderly or a child living in poverty frequently compounds those situations.

50 million 12 year-old girls live in poverty world-wide right now.
See a great little video on The Girl Effect

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