
Thursday 24 March 2011

NSW North Coast MP Janelle Saffin supports pay increase for lowest paid workers

Saffin supports pay increase for lowest paid workers

Page MP Janelle Saffin said Australia’s lowest paid workers must not be left behind in the latest wage review.

The Australian Government submission to Fair Work Australia’s 2010 Annual Wage Review recommends that any increase in minimum wages be in line with cost of living and other economic changes.

Ms Saffin said many people on modest incomes are doing it tough and Fair Work Australia needs to take this into account.

“Pay increases for those in the workforce are for necessities, not luxuries.”

“The ACTU is calling for an increase of $28 a week. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) acknowledges that an increase in the minimum wage rate is warranted, although says it should be no higher than $9.50.

“It is important that the increase is a fair amount to help the lowest paid workers support themselves and their families.

“It is a worker’s right to seek a pay rise and the sky won’t fall in if this is granted,” Ms Saffin said.

“The minimum wage is a key part of Australia’s safety net. The Australian economy is performing well and can afford a fair increase to the wages of the lowest paid.”

21 March 2011


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