
Monday 14 March 2011

Wake me when the election is over

The March 2011 New South Wales state election seems to have been greeted with a massive yawn from voters on the North Coast and even the candidates are going through the motions absent of any real political verve.
One candidate for the seat of Clarence took ennui to its outer limit by nominating and then promptly disappearing from sight so successfully that even the
local meeja can’t winkled her out – take a bow Family First’s Kristen Bromell.
In Ballina it was the Labor candidate who didn’t front a meet-the-candidates event according to The Northern Star on 9th March – take your bow Toby Warnes.
Meanwhile in Coffs Harbour a general lack of enthusiasm on the part of The Greens produced a
no-show at the ballot draw – face the audience bend forward at the waist Rodney Degens.
Even letter writing voters can’t raise much ire against particular candidates and online comments don’t sparkle – although this one raised a grin because The Daily Examiner online moderator let
an accusation stand which invites readers to suspect one Independent candidate of improper conduct:

Click image to enlarge

In an election campaign conspicuously devoid of humour the most amusing incident so far was to read of one Nationals candidate for re-election likening himself to an alien character in a Hollywood movie, John Smith from the planet Lorien - come down to earth Steve Cansdell!
With the penalty for not voting in a state election standing at a measly $55, I think that the number of no-shows amongst voters could fast outstrip totals in past elections.

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