
Wednesday 23 March 2011

A word or two to those No CarbonTax ragers. Yer? I really believe ya (not)

Take a look at these pics from today's No Carbon Tax Rally in Canberra, organised by Jacques Laxale of the Consumers & Taxpayers Association.
Definitely not a crowd whom on a good day I might suppose had actually considered the the pros and cons of placing a national price on carbon before introducing a market-driven emissions trading scheme.
I've a feeling that it was pure ignorance on show - a redneck extravaganza with Sophie, Bronnie, Pauline, Eric[a] and Angry in tow.

A rally chocka with the type of people who would never think that Opposition Leader Abbott was probably mentally laughing at them when he opened his rally speech with these words:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say congratulations to all of you for coming out today and letting the Government of Australia know that the people of Australia can never be taken for granted. As I look out on this crowd of fine Australians I want to say that I do not see scientific heretics. I do not see environmental vandals. I see people who want honest government."

As MrDenmore remarked: "A group from the #noCTrally stayed behind for a party. See picture here."And when someone tries to inflate the Canberra rally numbers remember this panorma pic ....
Pics from Twitpics and News Ltd courtesy of Google Images


  1. Thanks for those images. I was at a Climate Action Now (CAN) rally yesterday at the Perth Convention Centre. My rough head count had well over four hundred (confirmed by a newsprint reporter standing nearby) sane, engaged and concerned citizens of all ages listening to activists urging more support for the government carbon pricing policy.Most had walked, biked (lots of bikes chained at the stands!) and travelled in by car or public transport. No coaches being offloaded! There were no insulting placards nor attacks on individual politicians or parties. An ABC news bulletin later reported on an anti-Carbon Tax rally elsewhere in Perth attended by about 150 angry protesters. As an afterthought it was added "a similar number attended a demonsration at the Convention Centre supporting the tax."

  2. A very motley crew. It wasn't surprising to see which of the Coalition members went to the rally, other than Wyatt; what was he thinking? Less surprising was those who were absent, Turnbull, Hockey etc.


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