
Sunday 8 May 2011

Does former NSW Police Commissioner Peter Ryan know that his identity has been stolen?

Snapshot of the lower half of the in memoriam for a deceased NSW Police officer

On 4 May 2011 The Clarence Valley Review newspaper published an in memoriam in its classified section which was purportedly lodged by one Peter James Ryan using a post office address in Maclean on the NSW North Coast.

This is not the first time this fake Peter Ryan has been active.

On 4 April 2011 he sent a fax (copy here) to both the Local Court at Grafton and the NSW Chief Judge, as well as to various other individuals.

As his approach to the courts was reported in The Daily Examiner, one has to wonder why alarm bells did not ring at the Review when it received the in memoriam for publication.

I suspect that Dr. Ryan would not be amused by this turn of events as he appears to act as a security consultant and public speaker since his retirement.

1 comment:

  1. "Delusional" is the first word to spring to mind.

    The next two are unprintable.


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