
Monday 30 May 2011

Memo from a local pensioner: Onya, Cate & Mick!

I’m a pensioner who barely scrapes by when compared with the ruling elite in this Lucky Country. I don’t smoke, drink or gamble on lottery tickets anymore. But as all I have is my pension I can’t do much more than cover rent, food and utility bills every fortnight anyway.

The Murdoch press tells me that I’m upset with Cate Blanchett and Michael Caton because they have come out in support of a carbon price: Cate Blanchett has sparked outrage in the community with her decision to front an advertising campaign promoting the Federal Government's controversial carbon tax.
The millionaire Hollywood actor has been accused of being out of touch by spruiking the benefits of the tax that she can afford to pay, unlike many already hard-up Australians.

WRONG! I fully support carbon pricing even though it will bite into my income in much the same way as the GST does. At least Gillard is offering to compensate me. Howard gave me not so much as a brass farthing when he introduced the “never ever” GST.

Upriver Bill
Northern Rivers

Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical comment from NSW Northern Rivers residents. Email ncvguestpeak at gmail dot com to submit comment for consideration.


  1. I am also a pensioner and am with you. It is the Opposition that frightens me, not the pricing on carbon.

    If I can deal with the rise in electricity, caused by lack of investment in the power industry and rise in the price in coal, I can deal with a rise to save the earth.

    Cate has been active in dealing with climate change for years. Just because you are a entertainer, does not mean you do not have a brain.

  2. No matter what you earn, you have a voice and a right to use it for things you believe in.
    The News is hypocritical denying Cate her voice but allowing and assisting the rich voices of the Miners when the mining tax was being floated.
    Again shame on the media!

  3. Agreed. Any outrage about Cate B in that ad is entirely confected by the Australian which has been ridiculously quick off the mark in its commentary.

  4. Good on you Bill. At least you can recognise that we all have to do our bit to save our planet. And if it doesn't hurt a bit we'll get nowhere.

    As they say, "no gain without pain". We applaud it in our sporting heroes, why can't we apply it to ourselves?

    We owe it to our grandchildren


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