
Friday 20 May 2011

Oakeshott and Saffin tell O'Farrell it's time to get busy on the Pacific Highway upgrade

The Federal Government is committed to completing the job on the Pacific Highway by 2016 and, in fact, on 21 October 2010 during question time the Prime Minister gave that commitment. We will work with it every step of the way to finish the job—this missing link—on the Pacific Highway. [Andrew Stoner, NSW Nationals Leader, NSW Hansard 9 May 2011]

That O'Farrell post-Budget dummy spit on 12 May 2011 and Hartsuyker's recent silliness over federal funding for the Pacific Highway upgrade finds two NSW North Coast federal politicians less than amused.

Independent MP For Lyne Rob Oakeshott in the
House of Representatives Hansard 12 May 2011:

This $1 billion of extra and new money into the Pacific Highway project does lay down a challenge. It reaches out to New South Wales to match that commitment in what has been traditionally a fifty-fifty funding agreement for what is a very important nation-building project. The challenge is there for the New South Wales government in its first budget after campaigning heavily on this issue, visiting sites such as the site of the Clybucca bus crash and making plenty of noise that it would commit to a 2016 completion date. It will not get there unless it matches the funding that was in the Commonwealth budget. Unless an extra $2 billion goes into this project, the Pacific Highway dual carriageway will not be completed by 2016......
Personally, I have done all that I can at my level to ensure full completion of this project by 2016. We should not sneeze at $1 billion of extra money. I have read comments over the last 48 hours from members of this chamber who are local members on this highway not only sneezing at this money—
I know the member for Page is not,is not, but there are some who are really trying to bag this project and the money going in. They should be focusing on the importance of this money to getting the job done......
I reach out to Barry O'Farrell to do the deal—let us get this project done. Through cooperation, let us do what former governments—state and federal, Labor and Liberal—have failed to achieve.

Labor MP for PageJanelle Saffin in a medai release on 19 May 2011:

I would have thought the State Government would have been cheering about this substantial new investment in the highway, but instead they appear to be baulking at the request for $750 million in matching NSW funding..
Just before the State Election, Nationals MP Andrew Stoner, then shadow Roads Minister, said ‘The NSW Liberals and Nationals would immediately fast track the upgrade of the Pacific Highway if elected in March.’
Just last month Mr Stoner, now Deputy Premier, said on ABC Radio: “Barry O’Farrell and I want to make sure that the State Government is a help and not a hindrance to finishing the job.....
The State National Party MPs must get their Liberal coalition partners to honour the commitment to this vital infrastructure.
This is not the time for hesitation from the State Government.

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