
Tuesday 10 May 2011

Q&A has a lot to answer for

Inspired by Malcolm Turnbull’s appearance on ABC TV’s Q&A, someone has begun a Turnbull for Prime Minister campaign on Facebook:

This is a page for all that want real change. For those that voted Labor, Greens or Independents because they would not or could not vote for Tony Abbott. It's for the Liberals who voted for Tony Abbott and now see him as the wrong person to lead the Liberal party. It's for those that voted for Julia Gillard or Labor but have now seen her performance and see her lack of leadership and know that's no good for our country. And its for those that find this government wanting. It's for those people that watched Malcolm Turnbull on Q&A recently and knew we had a leader of substance. Malcolm Turnbull for PM!

At the moment there are only two followers listed on Facebook. Ignore the trifling fact that Australians can't directly vote in a prime minister and give the lad a thrill by ‘liking’ him or summin – if for no other reason than it will tee off St. Tones of the Love Rug. J

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