
Tuesday 24 May 2011

That national embarrassment is at it again....

Caricature from The Sydney Morning Herald

Australian Roman Catholic Cardinal George Pell is taking his right-wing arsehattery onto the world stage preaching to contrarian converts - thus confirming to the English their enduring belief that Aussies are by and large the intellectually degenerate offspring of either 18th Century criminals or whores and ensuring that a pope will never come from the Antipodes in our lifetime.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is pleased to announce that the second Annual GWPF Lecture will be delivered by

His Eminence Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney

Title: One Christian Perspective On Climate Change

When: 26 October 2011, 7pm

Where: Westminster Cathedral Hall, 42 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QW

Attendance at the lecture is by invitation only.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation: Founded in November 2009, the Global Warming Policy Foundation is an all-party and non-party think tank and a registered educational charity. Its main purpose is to bring reason, integrity and balance to the climate debate. It seeks to inform the media, politicians and the public on the subject in general and on the misinformation to which they are all too frequently being subjected.”

Here’s its latest report:
Lord Turnbull: The Really Inconvenient Truth
Monday, 16 May 2011
Former Cabinet Secretary Questions Blind Faith In Climate Alarmism
For the full report click here

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