
Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Twitterverse luvs Kev.......and Jools

Australian MP Tweets sez of the 99 Aussie pollies who tweet:
"Note that Kevin Rudd (@KRuddMP) has over 940,000 followers and 220,000 friends, and as such has been excluded from this chart – his significantly higher figures makes it difficult to see the detail for the remaining members."
Rudd's twitterverse popularity comes off a total of only 1,178 tweets.
At around 4pm on 11th June 2011 Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard was coming in second to the Foreign Minister with 106,696 followers, Malcolm Turnbull was firmly in third place at 56,038 and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott trailed a poor fourth at 34,762 tweeters interested enough to click the +Follow button.

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