
Thursday 23 June 2011

Under the Nazi Banner: One reason why one should no longer take the Australian mining industry seriously

From 28-30 June 2011 the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC), the peak industry representative body for mineral exploration and mining companies in Australia, will be holding a convention at the Burswood Convention Centre in Perth West Australia.

These are the groups sponsoring and supporting this convention:

This is the man who opens Day Three for convention guests:

And this is the type of nonsense he currently purveys:

Professor Ross Garnaut's considered opinion on the economic and social impacts expected from increased global warming is "fascist point of view" according to Lord Monckton.

In light of this and the absurd political posturing of some of its members, perhaps AMEC might like to explain why any sensible person would believe that Australian mining companies are more than a collection of knuckle-dragging, anti-science rednecks.

It is no surprise to find Opposition Leader Tony Abbott taking part in the official conference opening. However, the CSIRO and Geoscience Australia might also like to explain how on earth they came to be associated with this absurd gathering and why they have not had their name removed entirely from the list so proudly displayed on AMEC’s website last night.

1 comment:

  1. A better place to be is FOUR DEGREES OR MORE? Australia in a Hot World 12-14 July, where real science will be discussed. Garnaut but no Monck or Abbott.


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