
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Where's the blinkin' taxi stand at Yamba Fair?

If you happen to shop regularly at the Westlawn Property Trust’s Yamba Fair shopping centre(the only one of its kind in the Lower Clarence)one of the first things you notice is the number of people who arrive at its front door on foot and also the number of people who wait outside for a taxi to take them and their many shopping bags home.

It’s bad enough that over the years Westlawn’s attempts to upgrade the centre has seen verandas installed which neither shade nor shelter and one walkway with such a slope to the parking lot surface that shopping trolleys develop a will of their own and drag older shoppers into the path of moving cars; but what really irks is the lack of a dedicated taxi putdown and pickup space.

Trying to load the family shopping into the boot of a taxi while keeping an eye out for cars impatiently nudging past the stationary cab is one stressor too many on a busy day.

When is Westlawn going to consider the needs of regular Yamba Fair patrons? After all they contribute to the fact that the Trust draws at least $1.9 million in rent annually from the shopping centre.



1 comment:

  1. I agree. Stress levels go through the roof. Take today. I was in a stationary taxi at the entrance to Yamba Fair trying to pay the fare when a car reversed out of a parking space and crashed into the passenger side door where I was sitting. That wouldn't have happened if Westlawn had made provision for a dedicated taxi space.


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