
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Who are the 500 biggest polluters?

Who are Australia's biggest polluters?
B#ggered if I know, but they’d have to be those companies producing around 80% of industry pollution.
So what particular industries are they hiding out in?
Well, surely it’ll be in coal mining, steel and aluminium smelting, cement and zinc production, pulp mills, coal-driven power stations and the like.
Still I’d love to have a peek at Gillard’s list, so I’d know which direction the gouging of my hip pocket will come from first.
And let's face it - it's London to a brick that gouging will happen at almost every opportunity. The captains of industry and their troops down the line will be unable to resist even if they face heavy fines when caught.
For all that – onya Joolya! Well done. The country is finally moving forward.

Pic: Mt. Isa

According to the Australian Government's Clean Energy Future website the profile of this group is -
135 operate solely in New South Wales and the ACT
110 operate solely in Queensland
85 solely in Victoria
75 solely in Western Australia
25 solely in South Australia
20 solely in Tasmania; and
fewer than 10 solely in the Northern Territory.
a further 45 liable entities operate across multiple states.
around 60 are primarily involved in electricity generation
around 100 are primarily involved in coal or other mining
around 40 are natural gas retailers
around 60 are primarily involved in industrial processes (cement, chemicals and metal processing)
around 50 operate in a range of other fossil fuel intensive sectors; and
the remaining 190 operate in the waste disposal sector.

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