
Friday 26 August 2011

OMG! Does this mean that Alan Jones is Prime Minister?

One of those amazing wingnutters over at Just Grounds this week seems on the brink of declaring that The Parrot is the new Oz prime minister:
Talkback Radio…..the defacto peoples parliament.
While another has a very peculiar idea of how the reserve powers of a governor-general operate:

Ian Strawbridge said:
I think we need to get the GG to action! Lets all write / fax to her demanding she sack Juliar! Allegedly she still has 'the power' ! (Yes, I know how she was appointed)
Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC
Government House, Canberra ACT 2600.
fax: 02 6281 3760
Cheers, Ian

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